Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ok...im having a chris crocker moment here. why cant we pleaaase leave kanye west alone?!?

i mean seriously the man bent over backwards apologizing all over hisself like a zillion times already. he's just been in a bad car wreck, just lost his mother & oughtta be entitled 2 a meltdown. when britney spears had a freakout nobody wanted 2 crucify her and boycott her music & she actually did physical harm 2 others during her fit. all kanye did was express an opinion that was important 2 him & now everybody wants 2 ream his bottle of hennesy up his ocks. (hay, give the man credit--at least he has fine taste in yak) even da prez wont give kanye a break--he called him a jack, and he didnt even call bin laden THAT. cant we just leave this talented & hard working artist alone? dont make kanye west the KATE GOSSLIN OF MUSIC. his hair is waay better than hers & he earned his fame thru hard work & talent not by shitting out 8 rugrats & bitching out the husband.

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