Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A tiger is shot after a teen atagonized him a @ a zoo. Why isnt a bull shot at a rodeo?

Tigers are put on public dispay(as most animals in the zoo) in a zoo with artificial (sometimes substantard condition) . No problems for year..But finally they snap and attack someone who was taunting them...Then the athourities shoot him dead because he acted naturally....But at rodeos, bulls are prodded, poked and have thier acked scrutiatingly bound...Then when the clown gets gored, almost to death its considered part of the show...The Tiger was acting on instinct...Why shoot him and kill him when the humans but him there against his will at the 1st place..ETIHCAL..Do we have our priorties in check? The same for bulls who trample to death in running of the bulls

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