Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why do you ppl hate dale jr so much?

You're asking the million dollar question my dear! And I really wish I had a good answer for you! I'm a die hard Jr fan (bring on the thumbs down I don't care) anyways I always have been and I always will be whether he is doing great or not, it's called loyalty and I stand by my driver! You know Jr gets voted most popular but on YA he's anything but! I don't understand it either but hey to each their own all I know is that I try not to bash on other drivers and their fans because I have to much respect for my friends and contacts on here and I wish some of the others would do the same but truth be told it's really just some jerk off doing the bashing trying to get us Jr fans all rilled up! So all I can say is stick by your driver and try not to let the jerk offs get to ya! (sometimes that is easier said than done though) LOL but that's what I try to do anyways!!

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