Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Do you think I will be able to get back in? 10 POINTS! best answer!!?

Wow! That sounds really exciting. Just think, the high point of your existence is whether you can get free drinks or not. Oh, and let's not forget about the part about getting all dressed up. That just makes it soooooo much fun.

Why didn't Captain Kirk stuff a spare phaser and communicator in his boots for when he got captured?

They never frisked the guy, they just pulled the stuff off his belt and tossed him in an easily escapable jail.

Summer school homework help?

well today i got a summer school ignment, i have to write about a time where i felt hopeless..and how i managed to stay positive..i get thta part..should i throw in some transitions to my story like for example: on the other hand, consequently,never the les etc...would it sound better or should i keep them out ?

Question about my atv?

do you think an atv will be okay in snow. its called an all terrain vehicle for a reason, but can it take the cold of our garage during a snow storm? after the storms last year i'm worried it will stop working before spring and we can sell it. its a 2004 but runs well.

I'm going to try to make a music video.?

ok me and my friends are going to try to make a music video and we are looking for songs that tell a story and no to much of aw fast beat. we don't want songs about lil kids and stuff bcuz we dont have lil kids to do it with uss. i want songs like for example what hurts the most by rascal flatts or mad by neyo.

How is this an example of juxtaposition?

we are the heirs of that revolution. Let the word go forth that the torch as been ped to a new generation of Americans-born in this century.

I want to start a band and don't have money...FUNDRAISING GONE CHEAP...PLEEZ???

well, you could try to have a car wash, or get some old instruments off ebay and use those, start a band, play a concert with friends and family, then ask for dontations. maybe charge 5 dollars to get in or somthing. Those are just a few ideas, but maybe google the question, tons of hits will come up, trust me, ive tried. just depends what you want. good luck!

:( please can i have some advice?

im really worried about some ham that I ate.. about 2 months off date. It tasted and looked fine, i felt sick for a day and a half.. now i feel fine. Have I done permanent damage? please help, ive been so worried xx

What voice type am I?

My highest note is an A, but I haven't been professionally trained. Somebody told me that I'm a tenor while another person said I'm a baritone. What am I?

A tiger is shot after a teen atagonized him a @ a zoo. Why isnt a bull shot at a rodeo?

Tigers are put on public dispay(as most animals in the zoo) in a zoo with artificial (sometimes substantard condition) . No problems for year..But finally they snap and attack someone who was taunting them...Then the athourities shoot him dead because he acted naturally....But at rodeos, bulls are prodded, poked and have thier acked scrutiatingly bound...Then when the clown gets gored, almost to death its considered part of the show...The Tiger was acting on instinct...Why shoot him and kill him when the humans but him there against his will at the 1st place..ETIHCAL..Do we have our priorties in check? The same for bulls who trample to death in running of the bulls

Foley catheter during their embryo transfer?

did anyone use a foley catheter during their embryo transfer? I was really scared of using it, so my doctor said that if i could hold my urine, then it was fine. She also told me that I could have infection after using foley catheter .I did not use it. But now I'm not pregnant and i wonder if i should've used it. I ped urine two n a half hours after ET.

How much does it cost to get leaks repaired on a tenor saxophone?

It really depends on how many pads you need to replace. Take it to a reputable repair shop and they should give you an estimate before they do the work.

If hamlet did not kill claudius?

if hamlet did not kill cladius and instead married his mother, gertrude, what could have happened to the flow of the story?

Where can I find a timeline of events taking place in Germany in 2008?

I am part of my school's WorldQuest team, which is a local/regional/national competition between high schools that resembles Jeopardy. The "country of the year," which an entire set of questions will be devoted to, is Germany. I need to know every major and minor event in Germany for 2008. Could any good soul provide me with a URL with such information?

What are the laws for leasing to buy property?

what are the laws for leasing to buy property? I made a handshake deal to buy property aggreed on paying 7% intrest and the taxes been paying for 7 years now the guy now whats the property back because he sighned a gas lease for a new green act with the state and recieved a big lump some of money i have no legal contract but i have every recipt from every payment with his signature and paid on them do i have a case in court to get my property back

Software for recording segments of songs?

I need software, preferbably freeware, that will let me easily record segments of songs, and save them as mp3,wma, or something that i can burn to CD. anyone have any suggestions? thanks!

Can you get a marriage license in IL if you have an active arrest warrant?

The warrant isn't anything too serious. It's a misdemeanor, and we're trying to go to the courthouse to get our marriage license and have it in affect before next month is out.

Do you know these things about flirting?

That was actually really interesting. So many things I do in the presence of men that I didn't even realize!

I've just gotta ask this. (Patriots question)?

This is true, the only loss the bears sustained in '85 was a 38-24 loss (2 TD's!). The thing about the pats is that they played the worst game of the season and still managed to win it. I am certain that bill will think of new things to cover their weaknesses (read: secondary).

Is it true the NEW England Patriots are thinking of hiring Alberto Gonzalez?

As the former Attorney General,he brings a lot of experience in spying and wire tapping,he has now become a very sought after commodity to the New England Patriots and Belichick in particular,rumors are that Gonzalez agent and the Patriots management are discussing the terms of the agreement,we might see Alberto Gonzalez on the Patriot's roster as early as next week

McCanns: were the Kate and Gerry used by the UK Government for propoganda purposes ?

oh please I really wish all you 'over-night detectives' would get a life and leave this case to the people who are qualified to deal with it

A question about people and the way they act?

its because women have had so many bad experiences with men that they don't know how to respond to a good man. i was once like that but if you are patient and give her reurance than she will eventually come around. if she is cheating i suggest you loose her. you have to decide if someone is worth it. good luck!!!!!

Is it appropriate to wear a black dress to a wedding?!?

It is a very fancy wedding.The reason I'm asking is because I have several 'Little Black Dress's' and very few 'colored' dresses. The ones I do are summery, and it's a snowy winter here. I will go shopping, but I am a bit short on cash lately and I don't want to if I don't have to!

Ok...im having a chris crocker moment here. why cant we pleaaase leave kanye west alone?!?

i mean seriously the man bent over backwards apologizing all over hisself like a zillion times already. he's just been in a bad car wreck, just lost his mother & oughtta be entitled 2 a meltdown. when britney spears had a freakout nobody wanted 2 crucify her and boycott her music & she actually did physical harm 2 others during her fit. all kanye did was express an opinion that was important 2 him & now everybody wants 2 ream his bottle of hennesy up his ocks. (hay, give the man credit--at least he has fine taste in yak) even da prez wont give kanye a break--he called him a jack, and he didnt even call bin laden THAT. cant we just leave this talented & hard working artist alone? dont make kanye west the KATE GOSSLIN OF MUSIC. his hair is waay better than hers & he earned his fame thru hard work & talent not by shitting out 8 rugrats & bitching out the husband.

Which Hindi movie has the shot of a kid growing up while running?

I know anyone who has seen a Hindi film in the seventies and eighties has seen this, but now that i come to think of it, i can't recall a single movie where the protagonist grows up while running. Can somebody please help out with some specific names of films?

Fed up with this stereotype?

sometimes you might think your better than you really are. which becomes part of the definition of bich. how it is at our school too but idk bout the mile thing

Why people is rooting for chrisitan in the MITB in WM26?

People seriously, christian wasn't all that great in mitb wm21 and wm25. he wasn't making people say ooo and aww like benjamin so im rooting for benjamin.

How does this happen in the first place?

Carbon Monoxide inside households, which is known as one of the silent killers ? Besides, it being caused by a leak in the stove.

How can we say we make mistakes whn we all knw everything is planned bfr by god we jst hv to prfm it later on?

The Lord does know what we will do in life, however our lives are made up of our own choices. We are not puppet's in the Master's hand, we are free-will creatures whom the Lord loves and is desiring for us to choose Him.

Will a 20" hood lamp with only incandescent bulbs heat a 55 gal tank?

I have a 4' ball python and I need a new heat lamp for him. I don't like dome lamps and I don't need fluorescent capabilities. Will a 20" hood lamp using a 150 watt day light and 100 watt night light keep his 55 gal tank heated? I also have an adhesive heat pad on the side of his tank.

Are the NFC and AFC finals more fan-friendly than the Super Bowl?

I have heard it said somewhere that the NFC and AFC finals are more fan-oriented than the Super Bowl, which seems to be more of a corporate event; is this true?

Marc Bulger?

Great job out of Bulger - Central Catholic's own (along with my dad and Marino) and he happens to play for my favorite team. Definitely one of the most underrated quarterbacks in the game, and he definitely deserves to get paid.

In the anime series, Death Note, what do you think of Light Yagami's actions?

Light shouldn't judge people so easily because he is kind of ignorant in a way because if that person was framed, then there would be no way for him to take it back. If I had found the death note I would have just kept it secret so nobody would find out. I would try to use it for good and only kill 1 or 2 criminals at a time so nobody would discover me. The author of Death Note takes a genius way too lightly. For one, if Light was a true genius, he would have taken too killing a few and then wait for a month or so. That way he did it was too obvious because the cops would notice a pattern.

Help settle a quarrel! What should you say at a theatre if you don't want to be a volunteer?

was it volunteering to sing? that's what it appears to be...if it was I would have been mortified! I have an irrational fear of singing in public and would have been greatly offended if they kept pushing after I said no once already. You are completely within your right to decline to do anything you don't wish to do.

Rate my Haiku please 1-10?

uming it is a 5 - 7 - 5 which I'll take it as to get beyond it, I grant you that to those unfamiliar with decent Haiku may not be understood, and again in uming, I want to suppose you meant this one is meant to be that way.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Believers: Why are you sure that God is benevolent and interventionalist (see details)?

You and I don't know the nature of God, so let us not make fools of ourselves by your question and me answering.

Help need to write a 6 page essay on hamlet?

write an essay on the function of soliloquies in hamlet . Dr james hirsh would be a Good source as well i need to employ one academic journal article to support my argument.

Dating services?

So I just became so bored that I filled out a yahoo personals. a little sad, I know. Anybody ever do any of those online dating services? what was your experience with it? I'm really just looking to meet new people.

God Promised the Muslims Israel in the Bible?

God has created the Universe, God is running the Universe. God will destroy the Universe. God is the Origin of Universe. God is the Destination of Universe. Spirit can neither be created nor be destroyed. It moves from one body to another. Your body dies, not spirit. Your spirit gets new body after death, based upon your actions in this life. Your target is to make your spirit pure, so that it can merge in Super Spirit (God). Remember wherever there is Happiness in Life, there will be Sorrow. To get Happiness, you must master Sorrow.

Should 'Arry employ Bale as a Left Back to stop Ronaldo...?

Kaka will be on the bench for Ozil,and you forgot Sergio Ramos whom Bale has to face.Bale tore Maicon,who's better than Ramos,when Tottenham faced Inter,so I don't see why Bale can't do it to Ramos.C Ronaldo will win vs Ekotto.Palacios/Sandro should snuff Ozil out while Luka can spring some pes.Van der Vaart should do some damage to Khedira and Alonso.Hutton and Lennon are clear winners vs di Maria and Marcelo while there will be a battle between Carvalho and Pepe vs Crouch.Higuain won't be playing due to having completed surgery,so it'll be Benzema as the lone striker.Thus it'll be a close game.

Should AA/NA Be Outlawed From Consideration By Courts Because of Separation of Church and State?

Anyone who has been to a meeting knows before the chairperson, guest or anyone in an open meeting speaks the indoctrination of the 12 steps and 12 traditions are recited (religious). All must believe in a "Higher Power" (religious). The group is bombarded with the indoctrination of slogan therapy (religious). "Your best thinking got you here". "Take the cotton out of you ears and put it in your mouth". "Fake it 'til you make it". "Some are sicker than others". "You're in denial". "We could not find an easier softer way". "ism=I, self and me" "90 meetings in 90 days"(religious) Why should the courts be able to force a religious doctrine on anyone? www.rational.org.

Will the rac can obd 2 work on a 1997 bmw 535i?

my friend told me that the rac can obd 2 from argos would work on my 1997 535i bmw does anyone know if it will?

I need college admission advice?

I graduated from highschool in upstate ny with a bad gpa tryed college first semester possible stopped going then tryed the next semester and stopped going resulting in an academic dissmisal.... I took 2 years off was a regional supervisor of a 275 person company... after those two years I went to back to the community college went full time took summer cles was active in FBLA and graduated with a 3.9 gpa in business. Admin. Along with still working full time as a regional director now .. my SATS in highschool were horrible something like a 920...I'm now trying to figure out my best option to get into the best business school I possibly can.... any information or thoughts would be great

how to get to melville new york? ?

Melville is on Long Island. Try taking the LIRR from Penn Station to Melville and then taking a taxi or pulic bus to the actual address. IT really all matters where you are coming from

What would you do if being gay suddenly became illegal in your country?

that's a bloody scary situation you've come up with! i'd die of fright before i could cross the channel - but i'd give it a bloody good go! either that or infiltrate the BNP, work myself into a trusted position and then bring down the organisation from the inside.

Rank the big 12, give your predictions?

I like the predictions for OU. im glad that there is someone else out there who actually agrees that they will take the NCG.

Have you noticed the American movie hero has gone from rugged individualist to sissy collectivist?

We used to have John Wayne types who kicked azz and took names, now we have Johnny Depp wearing makeup and dressing like a pirate. Sigh.

How long do you think it'll be before the bananna has completely replaced the cross as Chistianity's batsignal

I keep waiting to see a cross made out of banannas on a bumber sticker, this is catching on--Go Kirk!

Is Kyle Busch a stud this year or pretty much the same?

Stud no, contender quite possibly. The boy can drive. Also this will be a different kind of year for him, changing teams, a new car that the teams haven't work with, new team mates. It will be a learning year for all involved. But as long as he does what he does best drive he should do ok. I'm not a Bush fan him or his brother but I do recognize his talent. Like all young drivers (and a couple of the more experienced ones) he just needs to calm down some.



Why does everyone hate Breaking Dawn?

I know!!! It's steph's book! My goodness! Every one hates it because their Breaking Dawn visions didn't come true! Where is it writen in stone that Jacob can't imprint on ANYONE besides Bella and that Bella can't have a baby? Huh? No where! I mean, as long as the vampires are around, he's not getting any older. He'll wait for Nessie to get in her mid-teens and then they'll be the perfect couple, besides Bella and Edward of course. You'd think that people would be happy that Jake finally found his true love! And he still gets to be close to Bella, just in a different way. I can see where it is strange, but it's no different than what happened earlier in the books. They both imprinted on babies. Same difference. They're mad because it happened to be Bella's baby. Now Bella and Jake really will have a brother and sister relationship, as Bella had intended to begin with. :)

Far From Crazy Pavement, The Taste Of SILVER SPOONS, a clinical arrangement on a DIRTY afternoon!....?

The feacle germs of Mr. FREUD, they,re rendered obsolete, the LEGAL term is I live on BEASLEY ST. The rats they have all got RICKETTS, they spit through broken TEETH, the name of the game is not CRICKET- I,ve been CAUGHT OUT on BEASLEY ST.! Eyes as DEAD as VISCIOUS FISH. they @@@@ around for laughs-if I could have just one wish, I,d be a PHOTOGRAPH!!!!



The argos gift catalogue?

Has anyone got this? Could they please tell me what's on page 23... I've overheard that someone is getting me something from this page but I don't have the small catalogue to look at.... Thanks!

Translation english-french?

"Lawyers involved in the case say the attention that the teenager have received prompted prosecutors to reduce some of the charges against the youths" someone could translate that in french? i am french, and i understand this sentence but just cant find a good translation in french

Kidney problem, or am i just being paranoid?

if you have a kidney funtion problem then you would have had protein in your urine.also blood test are done to check your bun and creatnine.back pain could come from many things.express your concerns to your doc and I would recommend a colonoscopy to r/o any problems with your bowels as that would also cause back pain

Animal Crossing Lets Go To The City / City Folk Fruit ?

I know on Animal Crossing Wild World you can send a message to villagers saying I LOVE FRUIT and get different fruit but can you do it on lets go to the city, also if you can how? If you cant is there any other way you can get fruit apart from cocunuts and other peoples towns.

Roof water?

Who owns water coming off my roof as I seem to remember a man being stopped from collecting it as it belonged to Severn Trent.

How often do u change ur socks?

i usually put my socks in the washing basket after ive only used them one day, but my mother tells me that socks dont really get dirty in one day, that i should use evry pair of socks 2 or 3 days before puting them in the washing basket.. so i'd like to know howo ften other people change their socks..

Unique and simple girl names?

I love Skyler Emmington! I think Emmington would make a beautiful first also. Skyler Emmington 10! I also Kelsie and Rose! How about Keslie Rose?

Why do boys always have to make girls feel self conscious!?!?

I have a friend named *Lindsey* and she went out with this guy for a while after she had turned him down twice! Then after she started liking him, he broke up with her! Now she's been so depressed lately and making stupid statements about her looks! I could kill this guy and I was just hoping for some reurance from you guys that all boys aren't like this!

Confused complicated question, I hope this explains everything.?

You sure are throwing a lot of terms around there. Firstly, shizoaffective disorder is not the same as schizophrenia. Secondly, both bipolar disorder and depression can cause psychosis most (if not all) of the things you listed, so don't ume that you're psychotic and have schizophrenia. Thirdly, have you seen a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist about your problems? People commonly make mistakes when attempting self diagnoses (partly due to the fact that people are not generally able to view themselves objectively).

Is the Reds failure to sign Jonny Gomes their biggest mistake of the past few years?

I think so. Look at their outfeild. Bruce, Stubbs, erson, Balentien, and Tavaras. Only Bruce realistically can expect a 20 HR season. Gomes could hit 30 easily without playing every day as evidenced by last season when he was second only to Votto in slugging (and obp.)

Looking for a car that is roomy (seats 5 at least), with AWD, and some serious power.?

Use your brain, traditional AWD sucks in the snow, my step brother lives in Idaho with his Subaru Impreza WRX, and it sucks big time. You need a truck/SUV. I have a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee with a 4.0L straight six and select trac 4-wheel drive. It can get through anything, easily seats 5 adults, has a good proven track record for reliabilty, and gets 25 HWY MPG. Thats the only car that even remotely meets your criteria.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is it possible for a narcissist to be anyone's friend?

I think a narcissit's "friend" is someone who will focus only on them, shower them with attention, and not want to give back. This might look like "friendship" from the outside as some people are just more givers, than takers. However, I think the question is if the non-narcissist b-friend/son is comfortable with the relationship, that there is not much you can do-even though it eats us up inside to see our loved ones being treated badly. It's best not to convince anybody about anything (unless on Yahoo answers!) b/c people will turn it around, and say you broke up the relationship by bad mouthing somebody's partner. while this may seem like a good thing in the present, just have to be mindful what it will do to your son's and your relationship in the long term if you step in. I hope he opens his eyes sooner the later. Blesssings to you and yours.

Answer this if you know the anime NARUTO???

Check out a href="http://www.deliciousanime.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.deliciousanime.com/a for over +350 Anime Series for you to watch online for FREE!

Do you enjoy winning money from golfers with artificially low handicaps?

Haha, yeah ... I love playing people that say they are a scratch golfer, and I beat them... I am a +15 and working on it

Will the Texans go above .500 this season?

YES, I have full confidence they can and have done .500, but the getting off to the right start is the key. 3 out of 4 of the first games are at home and that is where Texans record shows they dominate. So a winning start would help a lot toward a winning season and first time playoffs. It doesn't hurt that division rivals Colts, are breaking in a new coach or the Jags made bad moves player wise the last 2 years and Titans have a QB question as well. Doesn't mean they won't have better records, but it doesn't hurt when these 3 teams are your rivals 38% of the time.

Pleaseeeeeeeeeee help with camera!?

is the casio exilim EX-Z200 good quality? i love how it looks but i dont know if it takes good pictures. thanks so much!

Infiniti G35x naming songs uploaded!?

I have an Infiniti G35x and I know you can take the songs from your CDs and record them onto your car. When I record them onto the car it just says the date they were recorded, does anybody know how to name them as songs?! HELP!

I am really crazy over basket ball game.?

do anyone of u know any places where they coach basket ball near tambaram.i already hav played for my school in Kendriya vidyalaya ashok nagar.now i hav changed my livin place .so please help.i am gettin worried

Db.cooper and the zodiac killer were they one and the same?

does anyone think its possible that db.cooper was also the zodiac killer because right after cooper jumped no more killings happend and both were never heard from again is there any hand writing to compair ?

After I finish Engineering school what do I have to do to prepare a PhD in science?

After I graduate from Engineering school and get masters degree in Electronic Engineering, is it possible to do post-graduate studies in Science school branches like Physics or Mathematics? Will I be bale to study for PhD in Physics/Math directly or will I have to get another Masters degree in Physics/Math first?

Period is due today but not here? Pregnancy?

My last period was May 6. Well, my period has been irregular since I took the plan b pill bout a month ago. It came early last month. But, I haven't gotten it yet. Should I be concerned? I haven't gotten any pregnancy signs. Nor PMS. like NONE. usually I get backaches before my period and sometimes sore but nothing. I'm not throwing up or anything. I have been SEVERLY STRESSED last month also, and I'm slowly getting over it but now the stress of this is adding on. So I'm thinking its stress thats delaying it. I am ually active and me and my partner are ALWAYS careful. Nothing gets inside me. Should I be concerned? How many days should I wait to be fully concerned? When can i take a pregnancy test, if I really need to? My last period was early as I told you, originally supposed to come around the 15th or so. I dont remember the exact day. Around the teens. Please help.

Want to invested 15lac in jaipur or del?

hi me running my hutch shop in raj.now i want to start some more can u ppl help me out to find the right way to invest

Thesis statement for Catcher in the Rye?

Facing unimaginable forces, Holden Caulfield retreats inside himself to find some comfort in an ever changing world.

Reasons for my car battery dieing?

if your battery is going dead over night ,try disabling the alarm one night and see how that goes,it may just be that the battery is old and not retaining a charge,by the time you drive to the toyota dealers it will have charged up,but if its on its last legs that charge wont hold overnight,

Curly hair or straight?

i prefer curly because you can do so much more with curly. you can straiten, curl it, leave it down, put it up. yea, you can do the same with strait, but its much easier with out.

Need some NBA who gggggggggggggggg?

wheres a place that i can watch nba for free i would watch it on tv but my parents wont let me get cable -.- yea school T.T so please need help asap

Should I drop L. Coles for Cadillac Williams?

I already have Adrian Peterson and Maurice Jones-Drew as my starting RB and flex player. On the bench I have Felix Jones and Willie Parker. I'm weak at WR and I'll need a good QB to cover Kurt Warner's bye week. Would Cadillac Willams bring me more value for trade purposes instead of L. Coles?

What should i do about this girl, im confoozled?

i like this girl and she likes me back. we arent going out like bf and gf but we hangout. and i feel like she deserves someone better, we are both in college but shes at a university and im in cc and i feel like she has her head on straight and knows what she wants on the other hand im confused about life. i feel like she deserves someone better, this is the first girl ive cared about in a really long time! and i want the best for her and i sincerely dont think its me! yesterday we kissed for the first time and it was great. or am i just thinking of it too much?! i thought to myself, i would rather be her friend and talk to her forever than date her have her dump me lol and nvr talk to her again!

Mauser vs MK IV SMLE (in .303 and 7.62 NATO)... your thoughts?

go to shotgunnews.com there you can find mausers ranging in price from 70 dollars (U.S.) to up to 4 or 500 dollars your choice there is an advertiser there with "correct" WWII versions that are high quality rebuilds, (try www.Mauser.org) they price a service grade @ $249 and a collector grade @ $399 w/all the bells and whistles //// they also have a sniper @ $2999 in box //// Now this publication is primarly for the United States and you sound as though you come from Great Britton , you will need to jump thru hoops to order anything from shot gun news but it will give you an education on many guns and gun related items hope this helps you out

I told her?

My friend told the girl that I like her but since then she hasnt talked to me and she keeps running away from me. Im have great looks also. whats the problem, she used to talk to me before i told her that i like her. some times i feel like travis bickle or norman bates.

Do i have a good fantasy football league team ?

I think you have way too many QBs. If you have a good one, you only need a backup for a bye week sub. I would try to trade some of those extras for some RB help. Edge might have better numbers this year if the line is improved but I don't trust that yet, and DeShaun Foster will be splitting carries with Deangelo Williams.

Fellow Americans: why don't we understand that we're losing badly in Afghanistan, & we can never win the war?

Well, what's your idea of "winning the war"? Everybody in society seeems to have some whacked out view of why we're over there. Fact is, we are engaged in combat with recognized terrorist organizations of which are threats to our homeland (regardless of whether or not we occupy the middle east) and we're doing our best to supress them. As long as we occupy certain areas, these organizations tend to be afraid to remain fully active as you can see. When we announced that we were withdrawing combat forces from Iraq, the terrorist organizations began to come back out to play against a newly trained Iraqi national military.We're trying to establish a more US freindly middle east... well at least less threatening than in the past. It's just working slowly...

Girls in suspenders?Yes or no?

yes! you really should wear what you want without caring. you will notice people around you will probably start to copy you.

New Poem - Lifes Journey Feat Kirby?

how about describing how you smell, last stanza, smellin like sour dough, good ending in the last line. could be a hip hop song.

What should i do about my ex?

my ex and i broke up nearly 2 months ago 9 he dumped me over facebook). his current girlfriend ( the girl he cheated on me with ) is going back to france soon and my ex text-ed me 2 day saying he missed me , so i relied sorry wrong number , then i didn't get a reply so i texet Again saying sorry didn't reconsider u number are u ok still didn't get a reply . is he waiting on his current girlfriend to leave to get bk with me . not that i want him bk even if i still love him i dint want him bk . but wat can i do

Fantasy Football Trade opinions?

Hey I'm being offered Matt Forte and Gaffney, for Marion Barber and Brandon Marshall. Now I know that Forte looked awesome this weekend, but I'm not sure he can keep it up, and while Marshall didn't look that great I'm expecting him to do better in the following weeks, but I'm not really sure how to go on this. THoughts?

If being gay were like being a superhero...?

I do not agree. If you are living your life with integrity, regardless of ual identity, you should not have to wear masks.

Are you gonna get Santa this year?

i am...the cookies and milk are bugged with arsenic..the stockings are filled with darts...and just to make sure, the chimney is filled with razor sharp spikes that go deeper into flesh the more you try to get out...hehhe...this is gonna be a happy chirstmas..

Seen UK top 5 broadband rip-offs? & how best to deal with 'em? What do you think is the best deal? How 2 beat?

Thank you very much for the information. Not being too bright on matters you have brought to our attention, I for one wish to say thank you, because at least it makes sense to me now.

Would World War II propaganda be illegal today?

I was reading my history encyclopedia and it had some World War II propaganda posters in it and it portrayed the Japanese as rats and Germans as imperialistic monsters; since laws in the UK make it illegal to incite hatred would these posters/films be illegal today?

Which portable gaming console is better?Sony PSP 3000 or Nintendo Dsi?

So,I want to buy a portable gaming console. I know that PSP is better than ds in graphics but I have read in online reviews that PSP 3000 has scan-lines.So, which handheld gaming console is better PSP 3000 or the nintendo Dsi?

Just started dating this girl?

I just started seeing this girl about two weeks ago. We have been friends for quite some time before this, but moreso 7 years ago. We kinda bumped into each other and were single. Anyways... She just told me she was thinking about dating this guy before we bumped into each other. She found out that this guy was her stepmom's sisters son. So she is sort of related to him by marriage, as a step whatever. She just told me that they have plans to spend the weekend at one of our local casino's in a couple of weeks. Now in her eyes she sees him as a relative all of a sudden, but will not budge when I tell her going with him is innapropriate. Am I wrong?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How do i beat cynthia:pokemon platinum?

Your pokemon are pretty useless. Teach Floatzel Ice Beam in Aqua Jet's place. Teach Infen Flamethrower. Teach Jolteon Thunderbolt and a better move in Quick Attack's place. Ok first use a pokemon you won't use on Cynthia's other pokemon to beat Spiritomb which has no weakness (eg Bastiodon or Toxicroak). Floatzel's Ice Beam beats Garchomp and maybe also Togekiss. Infernape beats Lucario and Roserade, you can also beat Roserade with Togekiss. Jolteon beats Togekiss and Milotic.

Who is a really good black and white photographer?

I'm doing a project for my math cl and I have to have a theme and find a bunch of things within that theme (line, symmetry, polygon, etc.). Does anyone know a really good black and white photographer that could have all of these things in their pictures?

More confusion.............?

you should call your dr. or go the e.r. this sounds serious and if it a miscarriage you want to make sure you are okay and get checked out so you don't get an infection.....sorry if it is a miscarriage....take care of yourself...

Perfect monitor for me and my console?

Try this...a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236049...hope" rel="nofollow"http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as…/a it helps!

Should one man have so much power?

Are you kidding me? You want Mexican truckers to be able to: 1. take jobs away from Americans. 2. Drive on our highways without being inspected for safety, and 3. Allow them to drive even though they do not meet American standards? The government is not only allowing Mexicans to steal American jobs but they are putting those that drive on the same highways at risk! Mr. Wooldridge deserves to be honored for standing up to this NAFLA boondoggle.

Help settle a dispute in my gifted cl?

i think u pre much figured everything out by yourself already. good job! i am gifted too! but i dropped out cause people in my gifted cl were too self centered, selfish and rude. sounds like ur cl gets along

Anyone Know a Quality Search Engine Optimization Company in Los Angeles?

I'm looking for a great search engine optimization company location in or around Los Angeles. I'm trying to design a website and get amazing traffic using a skilled seo company. My budget is around $2500/mo. Any help would be great!

Is this weird and creepy?

find myself having ual thoughts about really y guys that are over 35......by 45 the ual feeling go away. I have had a normal childhood and nothing bad has ever happened to me but I find younger guys ually and mentally unstimulated. I want to reinstate the guy has to be y, not some old man that's overweight and balding. I have never acted on this but I have a karate instructor that I wouldn't mind giving it up to=)

Piano chords or sheets for En Vogue's Don't Let Go(Love)?

i can't find it for free, for pay, for anything. lol. well i found it to pay, but i would prefer free =]

Oakley gles that go over top the head,anybody know where to find them? they look like something from comics

these gles have been seen in spy kids 3,blade 2 and are used by some golfers,they go over top the head,they dont rest on your ears and i would very much like to know who has these or knows where to find them,thanks a bunch

Do oil "spills" similar in magnitude to the one in the Gulf of Mexico ever occur naturally?

For example, is it likely that some time in the last 10,000 or 20,000 years an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption caused enough oil to spout from the earth to cause the level of environmental destruction that the current one will? Or is this the kind of destruction that only man is capable of producing?

The Scooter Libby trial, how many witnesses will use the cloak of national security to not answer questions?

the vice president has a neon sign allready made and when he needs it it will say "i decline to answer because of matters that envolve nat. security" the funny this is that sign only has a switch that goes on ...no off switch


I don't really like composite charts. I'd much rather look at two people's natal charts and come to my own conclusions based on that. I keep trying to get into them, but I feel you lose a lot of the depth and intuition on how certain aspects come together. But it looks like moon is opposing Venus and squaring Mars. It might be interesting to see how that plays out. Just because an aspect looks negative of course doesn't mean it is. I don't really think there is such a thing as a good or bad composite chart because there are always people behind the placement that further determine the direction. Nonetheless, I wish you had a more specific question.

My Aunt won't be a "Parent"?

Your aunt is a different person from your mother, and is, in fact, behaving as many parents do. It's a matter of different style and priorities. You can handle it!

Okay well i haves a acer computer and i want to reset it to factory settings and i dont have a recovery disk ?

format hard drive in my computer then take it to a computer technition, or ring acer and ask for the disc or type in download acer disk (model type) in google

I have a ps3 40gb which is faulty.. What would be the best way to earn money from it?

My ps3 has the 'yellow light of death', warranty has run out and I heard from people that I can trade it in to shops OR sell it over the net... But I want to try and get near 100 quid which I can't see happening. Any advice?

How much are fake granite countertops and where can i find them?

im looking to buy new cabinets and countertops for my kitchen and cant seem to find any fake granite countertops. any websites you know of or stores? thanks in advance!

In the movie "THE FOURTH KIND" .... do u believe in the video evidence that are shown in the movie?

No. You seem to be confusing "evidence" and "footage". Dr. Abigail Tyler is played by Charlotte Milchard. Ashley Tyler is played by Mia McKenna-Bruce. The Fourth Kind is a fictional movie. Even if it says it is "based on real events", there is no compelling reason to believe that to be true. Even the Day of the Living Dead movies said they were based on real events... and I can't remember any zombie apocalypse recently, so that seems odd.

My boyfriend is having problems, what can I do?

Most likely he is taking something he should not for muscle building and he can not admit to it for obvious reasons. However, it could be he is embarred about his true ual fantasies and does not want to roll play them with you. If so, you need to figure out what his kink is and decide whether it is okay with you. Perhaps you are incompatible ually. It does sound like he wants to make this work, though, so if you feel the same and he really will not come out to you and share his secret then you should be able to get the hang of 'jacking' him. Try acting really really more pive and submissive or if that fails then try acting really really more pushy and ertive.

Glamour Crisis!! Help!!?

Okay Hey everybody. My name is Sammy. Well let's put it this way. I need help with my hair. Okay so i guess im average pretty. Well i want to look gorgous for tomorrow. I am not sure why. Okay So i have kind of long hair about to my chest. My bangs are all on the right side of my head. Theyre about to my top lip. What can i do to my hair. With just using either spiral curler, or normal hair curler. Or any other suggestions. I dont have curlers, umm i dont have a straightner or crimper. Umm anything maybe using elastics and hair clips. Or something. And about the outfit. Well im average weight, and i dont like my sweaters, they make me look gross. I have alot of cute tops, but im tired of wearing similar things everyday. I have lots of cute shoes. Not really any heels. But how can i look glam. Oh i have one pair of jeans, 4 skirts, jean skirt, mini green one, plaid one, black one..And i have tights to go with them..But yeah im not buying anything. Cause it's 9:44 at night so. lol yeah. But please. And i like this kid, and i want to see if he will say something differnt. Were friends. Lol. I can even try to show if you think that would be cool. I never do so..hahaBut please help. Thanks alot=) Every anwser will be awesome!

Chemistry question - PLEASE HELP.?

A solution is labeled 0.174 m NaCl. What are the mole fractions of 1) the solute and 2) the solvent in this solution?

How to dress like a new yorker girl and vintage rock style?

I need a thorough answer! So i need help. I'm not sure exactly how to describe what i'm looking for. For new yorker how would you dress like that? I already wear a lot of black, and just need some examples and pictures would be very helpful. I also wear a lot of band tees and such and so i need help with the vintage rock, like the kind with the tights that have designs on them under a skirt with a band tee on top or something, any help? please

I have a geometric question?

Which basic geometric idea is suggested by the path made by the tip of the second hand on a running clock: a ray, a circle, a polygon, or an angle?

Fifteen year old hoping for Juilliard?

I have wanted to attend Juilliard School of Music for piano for years now. I played for a music professor for the University of Michigan, and he told me that I have amazing potential and skill and I could be a great player some day. He alsobcommented that I am at a level much higher than he was at my age and he also said my dynamics and emotion in my playing far surped most people my age and I was wondering if I had the ability to attend Juilliard though.. I am currently playing the Revolutionary Etude bt Chopin, Un Sospiro by Liszt, Consolation 3 by Liszt, Rachmaninoff Etudes, Chopin Etudes, Moonlight sonata movements 1 2 and 3 by Beethoven, Libestraum by Liszt, Pathiteque sonata movements 1 and 2 by Beethoven, Clair de Lune, Arabesque 1,La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin all by Debussy, several Mozart and Bach compositions, some Burgmuller, Joplin, Dvorakm Rubinstein, Trameri by Schumann, Blumenlied by Lange, as well as some personal arrangements of songs and some original compositions of mine. I pratice up to 7 hours a day (I wake up at 4 to pratice up to 3 hours before school) and I also accompany my schools choir. I have a private teacher. All Answers are appreciated.. and yes I will pick best answer.. thanks!!! (:

Im so Cold hearted, I drink alot now because its the only time im happy.?

You are very young and wanting answers about life. Drinking to forget my friend is not the answer. When you awake in the morning the problems still exist. All drinking gives is Dutch Courage, the ability to be happy temporarily. Give yourself a chance. Try a little prayer, it won't hurt, even if you don't believe in Jesus. We all have mountains to climb throughout life. If Jesus was beaten, pieces of flesh thrown from His body, thorns pushed into His scalp, and nailed to a cross, what problems have we. Everyone thinks their problems are the greatest, I can't walk but I thank the Lord for His mercies that I can see, hear, feel and speak.

Do you think roleplay is hot?

I LOVE roleplay. As what is between my partner and I. Most popular? I think everyone has their turn-ons. Some people love cheerleaders, some teacher naught student, boss and secretary, repair person and lonely housewife/husband, mechanic and stranded motorist, heck even a few that do Darth Vader and Princess Leia..... God I have a dirty imagination.

2 adults, 3 kids and a dog in a car? NY?

What would happen if a car was caught that is sopposed to be a 5 person car with 2 adults , 3 kids (so 5 people) and a dog???

Realtek HD Audio For Vista Help?

Sorry but simply put your Audio card must not support 7.1 surround. As for the Control Panel, most of them do look lame, like Win98 lame, but that's the way it's been, even with my Realtek HD card for my laptop and my built-in RealTek AC '97 audio card in my Vista PC. Just so you know nothing's wrong, that's just how it is.

Friday, November 11, 2011

What do think about golfer's playing in the winter 30 degrees?

I've always said it's never too hot to play golf. I can play in 100 degree heat, no problem. But it CAN get too cold to play. If it's in the mid to high 40s, no problem. Once it gets below that, especially in the 30s or lower, no way. I tried it once. I got through 4 or 5 holes and called it quits.

Childbirth, How does it feel......?

I am 24 weeks pregnant and im gettin closer and closer to my due date. My main concern is how should i give birth? And should i take any pain relievers or keep it natural? How does giving birth feel? And i would also like to know about the epidural and the pain while getting it.

Who is the best supervillain?

I'm trying to figure it out...Voldemort, Sauron, Venom, Darth Vader, Bane, the Joker...so many more. But who do you think is the best supervillain, or just villain in general? Why, if you don't mind my asking?

What are some good appetizer/meal ideas for graduation parties?

All finger foods, chips and dips, veggie trays, taco salad dip, shrimp dip, Denver-style sandwiches. Don't know what your budget is, so if you're planning a meal, go with hot dogs/pulled beef or pork, with condiments on the side. Can still use chips, dips, veggie trays, etc. Make some baked beans and escalloped potatoes, if you want to go that far. Ham sandwiches, sliced beef or pork, a cheese tray work well, too.

Help! my back went pffft yesterday morning!?

no need to see a doctor...its only tight muscles...what can i use other than heating pad (tried dont work) or narcotics for the pain (cant afford to be loopy)...its got me to the point that i can hardly stand up straight much less walk!..the kind of pain thats sharp, siezes you up and takes your breath away...ow! ow! ow!..anyone have home remedy that i can use to loosen muscles? they feel like rocks! thanks

I feel like nobody wants 2 be around me?

i feel like nobody wants 2 be around me. there r some people at skool that once and a while that hang out w/ me but i don't think they really like being around me.i know wat your thinking ...just go up and ask them if they like being around me but its not that easy.wat if they tak it the wrong way?then not even them would be around me at all!i don't no wat 2 do!!!!

Anyone have a recipe for fudge called "muy rico fudge" from an obsolete site called skaarup's?

About 5 years ago I found a site called skaarup's w/tons of fudge recipes. One was for an awesome varitaion on peanut er fudge called "honduran" or "muy rico" fudge. I've been using the recipe for years, but I've lost it, and the site no longer exists.

Does honey work well as an allergy reliever?

it's said to be a ntaural remedy for allergies. But I have really bad seasonal indoor and outdoor allergies. will this work for me by itself or should medicine be taken with it?

Lindsey lohan on my couch?

omg like im pretty sure lindsey lohan is asleep on my couch. like what should i do, should i fart on her cuz like i heard she thinkz tahts funny. im so like i dont know what to do , help this girl out! should i like punch her? omg i freaking out. i love her makeup

How big do watermelon vines have to be to bear fruit?

Mines are about 9 inches long with no melons! They appear to be pretty healthy! And are making plently of deeply colored green leaves! Any techniques to make them fruit faster? Tips or Suggestions! Thanks

Have you seen this little girl?

thats so sad, sorry. no i havent seen her, but i'll be sure to keep an eye out for her. good luck and god bless.

Blaming Gordon Brown for the Global credit collapse is a bit dumb isn't it?

Yes it is totally dumb. But it's quite funny too. We should blame him for hurricane Ike and the starvation in Zimbabwe, and why not the price of oil. I'm sure we could invent a few tenuous links.

Continued depression with 20mg Lexapro and suggestions?

I ma actually happy with the lexapro at 20 mg since I dont seems to get real angry or upset but I am still getting depression and a little of anxeity. Since it is so hard me to find things that work I kinda dont want to mess with the Lexapro Since I do see a positive change (so does my wife LOl)and maybe just add something else. Any suggestion on what I should suggest to the doctor as an additive, like welbutrin or strattera or something...I dont know. Thanks for your help

Is my fantasy team good? champion/ok/stinks?

Hitting wise you have a lot of questions. Who knows what kind of year D Lee, Chavez, Uggla and Delmon Young are going to have. If they have decent years you will be fine. Your pitching is a little shaky after your top three starters and you probably need some help in the reliever department Gagne, Lidge and Jones are all very suspect closers and have very low job security. Overall your team should have no problem making the playoffs but contending for a championship may be a little more difficult.

Need translation. what language is this: please help:?

I can't tranlsate it but that looks like Polish. Not 100% sure but I think it could be anyway. Hope this helps you a little at least!

Can I get into an 18+ club age 17 in UK?

I really don't think you will get away with it. It is the bouncers job to thoroughly check ID and it's their fault if anyone underage is let in to drink so they have to be very strict.

How MRP is worked out ? Can it be more than input (like raw mat,labor cost,taxes,reasonable margin etc)?

Commodity sold at much lesser price than MRP indicates,that the margin kept by manufacturer/seller is much more than reasonable level.

Those Sahaba who kill bibi Fatima A.S, koran is cursing them too?

Thats called misinterpretation of Quran and twisting it according to will.But you know what ? No one is interested in your long copy /pasted.

My girlfriend get home late and for her punishment I tickle her in the garage. Is that wrong for me to do?

Well I tell her to come home at 9 Pm. She comes home at midnight. I know how ticklish she is an we go to the garage and I tie her up. I tickle her for 45 minutes, and than I stop until she promise to me that she will be home 9 Pm. Some times I tickle her for an hour almost everyday. This is her punishment when she argues with me or when she does something I don't like.

Fun stuff to do tomorrow night?

So my boyfriend and I have been bickering a lot lately, and we finally made up and stuff lol. He and I have been going out for almost 2 years, and we're 18. Well, anyway, I inivted him over tomorrow and I've decided that.. to surprise him, I'm going to have a little Twilight movie night. He and I LOVE Twilight. (We love the books AND the movies). So I was thinking, he'll come over and we'll set up the big dvd player and watch Twilight and then New Moon and have a lemon and some popcorn. But I want it to be even more special than that.. Idk what else I can do though.. Any ideas on how to make tomorrow evening a fun night? Oh, and don't suggest anything like.. R rated, because I'm a virgin and so is he and we're planning on staying that way until graduation at LEAST.

I had this gynecologist that gave me D and C and he said I had polyps....?

When I went back to his office for a follow up I asked for a hysterectomy because of my fear of cancer. He said it would cost $9k and my state health insurance would not pay for it. (For poor people)I asked if I could have the polyps removed. He said "Well you may as well cut off your and everything else". I didn't want to tell anyone in the small town that I live in because it is depressing to talk about and everyone is related. How would anyone react.

Why is Yahoo Messenger so totally messed up?

There are way more bots than usual, com errors, few people say anything, and there is difficulty messaging other people.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How come it says my iPod is in a different location?

I set up the find my iPhone app on my iPod and it says it's located in a different place. It doest show up at my house. It shows it in a different place... Does anybody no y!????

Question about ethics and the bible?

Hebrew slaves were servants then for a fixed term in exchange for food clothing water and such then they were free. It is indentured service. Not slavery in the modern sense of the word.

What do you think of these lyrics?

I also answered one of your other lyric questions, called Dusty Knees. I don't like this one as much as Dusty Knees, but this is still alright.

Welfare and my friends?

people like that have no idea what its like to be on welfare. they will never know until it happens to them. you dont need to defend your family. you should say your opinion just once in no uncertain terms and say that's the last i want to hear about this...and dont listen to any other negative thing they have to say. just go about your business and change the subject.

Which military confrontation (or series of) offers the most impressive display of strategic/tactful foresight?

The placing of decoy cardboard tanks, leaving false information in an abandoned vehicle, inventing a whole series of radio traffic from within a tank corp that didn't exist. Montgomery at El Alemein.

My grandmother died and left about 400 dollars in the bank. She has no legal heirs. We wanted to split the?

money between her grandkids with the permission of my grandmothers children (our parents). Here is the hard part. Before she died, she found out that there was a mistake made on her birthday certificate, her real name and birthdate are different from the name and birthday she's been going by all these years...ssn is the same... Since her death the bank will not give us the money in the account because of the name/birthday discrepancy even though we presented all the doentation that all but points out directly that these two people are in fact the same person. Now they are saying (the bank) we need something called a small estate affadavit but after a visit to the court house this is a form they do not have. They say we need a lawyer but all that sounds like it's going to cost more than the money in the bank but I hate the fact that the government will eventually get her money. Is there anything we can do. Or does the bank/government get to keep the last of the money?

Weight problem?

whats the problem i eat and eat and eat and i neva put on any weight or get fatter what is the problem

Figuring for black body radiation, what is the best color to wear in the heat?

The link below is a doentation of student's actual experiment with color and heat absorption. Hope this would help..

Why do you ppl hate dale jr so much?

You're asking the million dollar question my dear! And I really wish I had a good answer for you! I'm a die hard Jr fan (bring on the thumbs down I don't care) anyways I always have been and I always will be whether he is doing great or not, it's called loyalty and I stand by my driver! You know Jr gets voted most popular but on YA he's anything but! I don't understand it either but hey to each their own all I know is that I try not to bash on other drivers and their fans because I have to much respect for my friends and contacts on here and I wish some of the others would do the same but truth be told it's really just some jerk off doing the bashing trying to get us Jr fans all rilled up! So all I can say is stick by your driver and try not to let the jerk offs get to ya! (sometimes that is easier said than done though) LOL but that's what I try to do anyways!!

Shopping In Minneapolis...?

It is against the law to deny someone the option to try on clothes in a public store before buying them. You can be a guy , walk into victoria's secret and ask to try on a bra and by law they have to let you.

What's that count basie song on blazing saddles?

blazing saddles, when bart becomes sheriff of rock ridge and he's riding the horse on the gucci saddle thru the desert and comes across count basie. what song is he playing?

Why do certain men talk to men about their girlfriends as if theyre not there?

I think it's a combination of two things. First, the very old courtesy of never speaking directly to a lady but only through the gentleman, who was her "protector" -- the man ordering food for the lady in a restaurant is a holdover from that. Second, I think it was simply bad manners. Combine the two, and you can get what happened to you.

Mice rescued from glue traps?

Crackers, Cheese, they need a little water too. Make sure that you do not give them something to big for the water cause they can fall into it and drowned Be careful mice carry disease. So after you free them you will need to sanitize that plastic box or just throw it away.

Should I tell my principle ?

So Im a 14 yr old female and I used to be bi and I dated a chick named dessie and I broke up with her and she turned me straight. No joke. I started tlking to my friend dustin and we tlked bout sending dirty pics and having tomorow and we still r going to but she hacked my fb cuz I forgot I had given her my pword and she spread a rumor that she sent to all my friends that said I had with a dog !! Which is so not true !! And I want to tell my principle but then he might tell.my mom about me and dusty and shed kill.me !! Altho theyd have no proof cuz I deleted the messages and on my fone too. So I changed my fb pword and blocked and reported her .so should I tell.my priciple monday ? I think I should :/ I think shell get expelled cuz somthing like this had already happened before so what else should I do ?

Post Nasal Drip?????

Since last night I've had a ticklish feeling in the back of my throat and I constantly swallowed saliva and the throat was irritated. I umed it was post nasal drip and took some anti-allergens. But since last night till today I still have this irritated throat, now it's sore every time I swallowed and all day today I've had a head ache (feverish-like) and my body felt really really weak. And I've taken some antibiotics just in case. Is it really post nasal drip? Or Have I got the flu or something?

Under 0bamacare, will low income elderly people need Medigap or will 0bama give subsidize that?

If Medi-gap is insurance to cover the dough nut hole in the Medicare Part D, the Senate Bill closes that hole.

Must Republicans be so condescending...?

i mean they act all high and mighty but then when it comes down to substances they are like crickets

It is too late to be an athlete if you're 18 y/o?

No, there have been plenty of people throughout history who have become great athletes later in life. Being great at something takes a time commitment which is why so many great athletes have been at it since a young age.

I need help getting more heat from my Vogelzang wood furnace. Any suggestions?

House is 1400 sq ft have Vogelzang model#2500. I'm in upstate NY and using for first time this year.

Tax Refund Question, Exemptions And Deductions?

Okay, I thought I had this Tax Refund thing all down packed, but I got a little fuzzy on some things all of the sudden (maybe too much thinking?). I have 2 of my 3 W2's so I thought I calculate a refund on just the 2 I have now, just to test-out my new found knowledge. With these two I made $9,359 with Feds holding a total of $786 and state holding $287. Since I'm single, I get a standard deduction of $5,700, and a personal exemption of $3,650, therefore making me reach the 10% bracket with only $9! Now what got me thinking was my refund, In essence I get all my money back, but when I read how personal exemption works, by saving you money within your bracket (10%), I found I would save $365. Where does $365 fit, when I have my fed and state paid taxes? Is there a calculation done with my standard deduction, that figures how much I'll save from that? Because if I hadn't read about the personal exemption saving money on its own terms, I wouldn't have second guessed my refund would be all my paid taxes (Minus 90 cents). BTW there's nothing else to my file (no dependents, tuitions, NADA)

Am I pregnant, a headcase, or is it the EC?

It is possible to get pregnant from pre-ejaculation. But you should be fine. Cootos! for being so cautious! I never was and I am 17 as well and a mom. Be sure to think everything through before having and go on the pill! (it wouldn't let me say c u m) lol

Anyone have goood pics of lauren conrads hair ?!?!?!!?

im getting my hair cut and i cant find a reallly good picture of how her hair is. like i need a good angle to show the layers and all that. please helpp!

Alright, it's time for YOUR playoff predictions...and mine?

My predictions are pretty much like yours, except I think the Canucks will beat the Hawks in 7 and lose to Detroit, leading to a Detroit-Washington final with Washington winning.

Marital/Mother Problems?

I have been married 7 years now. My husband and I have had some pretty rocky times in our relationship. Mostly just bad arguments. He is not physically abusive but calls me the most horrible names when he is very angry. Please understand that he is always that way and not just to me. My mother has basically given me the choice of leaving him or losing her because she hates him. We have three children together and he is really good to them. He does yell at them alot when they are misbehaving. I also do this though and can't hold it against him. We have talked about it and decided to try and improve our patience and not fly off the handle so quickly. I don't want to break up my marriage but I also don't want to lose my mother over this. She is even threatening to move several states away because she says she cannot bear to watch the way he treats me and the kids. I know he can get rather noisy but he has never physically hurt anyone. It's just his way of blowing off steam.

Why do some Christians completely distrust the Catholic church, yet believe every word from the Bible?

If you think about it the Catholic church had complete control over the Christianity for over a thousand years and could easily have edited the bible to get greater control over worshippers. Many protestants see the Catholic church as an evil organization, so why do they still trust the bible since it was written by the Catholic church?

What are some healthy, quick, and cheap meals and snacks I can take to work?

I'm 8 weeks pregnant and I have a growing appetite! I need to know what are some healthy, quick and cheap snacks that I can munch on while I am at work. I am constantly starving!

I reaally like this dude, do you think he likes me back?

He likes you!! He almost seems like he is too chicken to admit it! Def the flirty type..he's probably doing it because he's trying to be a little flirty :)

Is ist possible to locate my grandfather his name is federico caringal who live in new jersey new york usa?

i want to know about him what he is really happening with him,mymother is very lonely and longing to his father,my mother now is 75 yrears old and we knew the fact that her father was gone already ever since she did not see his father because he is working in the land of united states which is new york we dont know the complete address of him. we are just curious and we love to know what is really happened to him. i remember when my grandfather wrote to my mother who is her daughter and he told to his letter he wants to see his one and only child here in the philippines and he also included to his letter that he has a daughter in the united states and her name is patricia. my mother's nameis RemediosCaringal Salvador married to Francisco Salvador (deceased).I am the eldest daughter and i have 2 sisters and 2 brothers all of us are married. please help me to find my grandfather address so that my mother will have a peace of mind she is old enough nobody can tell her future ,please.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I need more info On sport bike racing....?

So I am new to the sport. I bought my first sportbike about a year ago...a 99' r1 ( actually my first in my name bike) and I fell in love with the speed and cuts of the 2 wheel superbikes....Since then I have started watching racing more and more. However the only real race circuits I see are MotoGP and champion Superbike? so I have a few questions...When do these two seasons start? What other level of race are there and where can I find them? And how do i get my foot in the race door? I am currently riding a 02' gsxr1000 and dont want to sound y but notice myself to have more natural talent then guys who have been riding for 15 years. Im new to the sport but for sure in love. I just want to drown myself in motorcycle racing...please submerge me...haha

Fellows believers in Christ... a question about ity in culture, and politics.?

Jesus said to bring the gospel to every Living soul. That way some of us do. The message implies that we refuse sin in our lives. To refuse sin, we have to know what sin is. uality is a sin. Repent from your sin, believe in Jesus Christ and you will have eternal life.

Paint peeling on my football jersey?

put wax paper over it and set the iron on low and iron it over the wax paper. sometimes its not paint its an iron on

In this site message of peace from jew childrens to lebanese people ?what is ur opinion about it ?

a href="http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.grenc.com%2Fsfiles%2Flebnon%2F2LebaneseCivilians.htm&langpair=ar%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools" rel="nofollow"http://translate.google.com/translate?u=…/a

Would the United States be better off if we were to reinstate the pledge of allegiance in public schools.....?

Yes it should be in schools. Your example has nothing to do with the validity of the pledge. There is no reason both can not coexist.

Serious question, your opinion please?

That is not acceptable, references are given to check that you worked at a company, they are not for generating leads for you company. That he did that shows that he is either desperate and/or lacks scruples. It is time to leave.

Slimming cream with red chilli pepper. !!READ THISS?

i got a slmming cream with hot chilli pepper.. when i used it i used it on my my skin... after 10 minutes the my skin started burning me soooo muchhh.. !! it hurts alot.. is this gona last too longg coz i tried washing it but it looks like its allready absorbed.!!??? please helpp PLZ.!!! i know it should be working like this but i should have used a smaller amount or whatt> pleasee tell me how to stop it from burning me like thiss! [plz

Do You Like Khairy Jamaluddin?

He loves to play sentiments and creating drama. Step on too many toes. Looks like he is in a hurry to consolidate his position in Umno.

Question about Worrying?

My Grandmother worried like this, then she went to doctor and was given a pill. Then she worried the Doctor gave her the wrong pill, then she worried her-self to death at age 94. luv ser

Why does our modem reset itself whenever my roommate tries to connect to our wireless network?

My bet would be that she has her computer set to the same IP address as the router. It's also possible she inadvertently set the router's MAC address to match her computer's MAC address. Make sure the router is set to use its own built in MAC address, and make sure her computer is set to get its IP address automatically.

What place on earth are we living now? its to many war and famine. its is the end of the world?

no, it is not the end of the world, and contrary to popular belief there have actually been worse times in the history of the human race in consideration to war and famine (The european plague, the american civil war, and namely...WWII...) so don't stress out. You don't need to think that the end of the world is coming everythime you hear a bad story about policial unrest in the world. My advice, Go to finish high school or college and figure out for yourself what kind of earth we are living in now, because i gaurantee, they will have more answers than i can give. night

How old was your baby when u started giving them food?

my son didnt start till he was 7 months old. my daughter is nearly 5 months old and is startin on food. my health visitor says you shouldnt start them on food cos it can cause obesity, wot a load of codswollop. mom says i was started on food when i was 5 months old and i may have been chubby when i was a kid but i grew up to be slim. where do they get these facts from to say early weaning can later cause obesity?

Do people still have progressive dinners in your area?

tails at the first house, appetizers at the second, salad at the third, entree at the fourth, and dessert and coffee at the fifth house?

What is the greatest 'caveman' movie ever made?

Caveman with Ringo starr and dennis quaid. It was very funny, I saw it in the movies when I was a kid and I laughed my off.

Vacation help: San Fran vs. LA vs. San Diego?

me and a friend are going to Cali for spring break. we are both 19 year old females. we are flying since we're all the way on the east coast. which place has more to do? we won't have a car so which place would be best for that? someone told me downtown San Fransisco would probably be best but opinions?

Why do LIBERALS despise the latest Supreme Court decision (Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission)?

Individuals are limited to how much one can spend, but corporations can spend unlimited amounts? Like Banks who took out money to survive from us? or AIG? etc? This propaganda can effectively empower an oligarchy. (look up fascism)

I am 25 years of age and don't want to attend college?

The reason why I don't want to go to school is because I have a learning disability. My reading comprehension is at a 6 grade reading level and everyone tells me that I need to go to college while I am still young and get a degree. I don't want to attend college because I know for a fact that it will be too difficult for me and I will not understand any of the course work. I struggled with my school work in high school and I just don't want to go through all that trouble and hard work again. Can someone please offer some advice to me on what I should do? Do you think college is actually for someone like me? My coworkers don't know that I have trouble with reading comprehension and they think that I should go to college to be a registered nurse because they say that it is getting hard out here and I need to get a job that is going to earn me a good living. And they also say that Registered Nurse is the only field that you won't have any trouble with getting a job in when finished

What's a good way to get bible pushers off your doorstep?

I used to live in a Jewish neighbourhood and when the mormons, jehovahs, etc came a knockin' I would say I was a Jew and they would scamper quick smart. I've since moved far far away from any synagogue and this trick no longer works. Excluding the obvious like 'no thanks' , being rude, telling them to F off and/or slamming the door in their face, can anyone suggest a smart answer?

What do you think of this poem I just wrote? PLEASE read... Like PLEASE?

I really like it! I don't really know how to critique poems, but I like how many ideas and possibilities you introduced in a short amount of time. No one really knows how their life will end up, and you did a great job painting possible scenarios with words.

Now that the Patriots are gone?

Will people shut up about how the the AFC is going to win the Super Bowl. The Packers or the Bears have a great chance to beat either the Steelers or Jets

What do you like better cats or dogs?

I love dogs but consider them slobbering idiots. Cats are intriguing and spook me out. Something about that triangular face and the fact they can stare for a million years. They remind me of those scary aliens David Spielberg came up with. He must have had too much Italian food before bed time that night.

What percentage of conservatives secretly look up to Fred Phelps but are afraid to admit it?

As a conservative Christian, I think he's doing more harm than anything. There are far better ways to make a point. What he's doing is tasteless and insensitive. Worse, it just arms lefties with ammo to use against those of us who just want what is best for us as a country.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Who should i do my autobiography project on?

I am doing an autobiography project on a famous person i have to read a book about them and create a 5 minute scene to allow people to guess who that person is any ideas?

I really want you to reconsider things. I will send 1 last message when I get a chance too. What does it mean?

My bf sent me this after I tried to break up with him. He has pilot trainning that's why he said 'when I have the chance to' but when he means one last message, does that mean we'll never talk again?

When was is it that India has lost so much of its morality?

Back ancient times in India, cows, brahmanas, women, gays, s, ed, and intered were all a respected and very protected. Today, these people (and animals) seem to have lost all value to the Indian population because they face harment, persecution, and violence violence and government doesn't seem to care. So when did this all begin? Was it the Muslims? The British? When did India's moral values grow wings and take off and never return?

On games like Pogo ..Bingo those jackpots?

Does anyone really win them?and when you put in the tokens you win for the weeekly, daily and monthly prize who wins them..I have yet to meet any one who wins $$. We do play for free, and play for fun so it doesn't really matter.BUT>>>Are there any regulations, laws about fraud, inspectors or something ?

Best pain reliever for shoulder pain...?

I was on a ride called Wild Lightning at Lake Winnie, and it slung me hard and slammed my shoulder into the other side of the seat. This just happened last night and it has been hurting ever since. It hurts when I move it a certain way, and the pain is pretty bad. I have been taking Ibuprofen, and it takes the edge off but the pain is still there. I was wondering what the best over the counter pain medication would be to help me? I slipped on some ice at Christmas and hurt my tailbone. I read somewhere that someone had a similar injury and took Rexall. It helped my back a lot, and I was wondering if it would do the same for my shoulder? Any suggestions for what I should take would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)

In death metal is it OK for the b to stick out like in Cannibal Corpse's music?

I've heard b in other death metal bands but the b in all of Cannibal's music sticks out like a sore thumb. is it ok that it sticks out? Serious answers please. No trolling on Cannibal Corpse or death metal.

Better Trade Value - Fantasy Baseball?

to me, i'd keep pena and cano. i'm supersititious when it comes to sports and the sophmore slump is enough to drive me away from dustin. i dont see fielder having a monster season again cuz he recently became a vegetarian. no lie. check it

Legality of using a hidden voice recorder during a meeting?

Is it illegal to use hidden voice recorder for a meeting, without letting know the other side / boss etc.

Hot sauce stores in Minneapolis, Minnesota?

I'm looking for Da Bomb hot sauce and I don't know where I could find stores that might sell them in the Twin Cities area. Any ideas?

How do I handle my family's sudden issue with my uality?

I don't think they understand WHY you're . It's because you were born that way. You were born with those hormones, and it is NOT a choice.

Is Accepting Trinity a prerequisite in becoming Christian?

Can you show me a bible verse to support it? Some self-professed christians are too quick to judge those who do not accept tirnity as not christian. But does the bible really teach trinity as a prerequisite? What makes an individual a real Christian?

Does he really like me .?

Well if he knows you are a virgin then yes more then likely he is using you? How did that even get brought up? Anyways, maybe not you don't have Alot of info to go on.

How to get confortable with him and creat pion?

Give it some more time, sometimes it takes time to built all that i know it took me a while with my Bf, i believe it took almost 4 months for me to actually fall in love, and start missing and thinking about him. also u have to relax and not be so focused on that, u have to let go and just let life and love guide u if it comes it will come eventually if not than don't worry u will meet someone who will be a nice guy and who u will have pion with too. just relax and enjoy life. everything always works out in the end.

Bad shedding on my ball python?

My ball python is currently shedding and I fed him today, since he can't see I picked him up with the end of a broom stick to get him out of his cage to feed him so he wouldn't mistake my hand for a meal. When I put him back in his cage I noticed that not just his shed came off but there are a couple of small areas where the entire skin itself came off revealing the white flesh underneath. There also appears to be spots of blood. My question is, could the be due to the current sensitivity to his flesh and picking him up with the broom resulted in pulling it off or could this be something else? There are no traces of mites, or weezing or other signs of disease, any information would be helpful!

Do Iran and Venezuela represent a threat the America?

These two countries seem to be getting friendly. Given Irans nuclear program, and Venezuela's strategic location, should the U.S. be worried?

My son just turned 20 months, and he started having complete melt-downs! What do I do?

He has always been a little temperamental, but he recently started having melt-downs, where he wants me or his father to hold him while he screams and cries and points at nothing in particular. When I try to figure out what he is pointing at, he starts pointing at something else altogether, so obviously even he really doesn't know what he wants. He will carry on for 20-30 minutes without stopping, no matter if I ignore him or try to appease him. The only thing that makes him stop is putting him in the car and driving for a bit. This has happened probably 5 or 6 times now in the last 2 weeks, and if I don't figure out what is wrong with him I am going to have a meltdown myself.

What should i do (friend problems bigg time)?

OMG ok, so anyways i have this friend and she told her other friend thats not her friend that i told her that my other friend thats not her friend that she wuz gunna beat her up when i nvr said nuttin!!!1 so she was lying that girl that told the girl thats not friends wif her!!! wel anyways;; now shes telin bunch of meh good gooddd firned made up lies that i nvr said and they belive it and they are freakin turnin against me to be friends wit herr omggg imc cyring sooo badly wat shuld i do?!?!??!!?! ahhh

How does all the Katrinas and Ritas feel about using their names for hurricanes that killed so many?

Why does World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have to use people's names above everything when they could name them something like hurricane Ignite or hurricane Ostrich? Do they mean something by that or What??

Is anyone familiar with the crucible by Arthur miller?

i need to connect the play to contemporary american society. something along the lines of the themes of the play. this includes:: fear drives peoples actions, revenge gets in the way of morality. anything that has happened in our society from 2000 and up works. thanks. =]

Dont you wish you werent the fat funny girl that noone took serious?

frankly im tired of being the fat funny girl of the group. witch none of my guy friends take me serious by now i think they think im gay but im not and i've had a crush on my best friend since forever and he doesnt even know and the sucky part about it is that hes always talking about this girl...i guess he likes her....but i dont kno what todo wat should i do?

Looking for a free website to creat rap beats?

I am looking for a website where I can make my own beats because my friend is a really sick rapper and we want to try and make our own beats so he can rap to them. If anyone knows of a website that's free to create your own beats please let us know

How do you handle an obsessive ex?

I have an ex who keeps contacting me despite my requests for her to stop bothering me. We broke up in early November on very bad terms, and I made it clear that I could not have her in my life. Since then, she has pestered me through FaceBook, Instant Messenger, email, and phone. I have ignored all of her calls and messages and blocked her on IM and FaceBook, but she contacted me through her sister's FaceBook. I replied and asked her sister to ask her not to contact me, but my ex still keeps contacting me. I'm still a high school student (as is she), and I'm very scared that she'll show up to my house or my high school. I honestly don't know what she's capable of, but I fear that she'll try to hurt me or my friends. She threatened to shoot me and everyone who had ever been interested in me, and I've seen her at some of my local hangouts that she'd never been to before we met. I've been contemplating a restraining order, but I don't know if this sort of behavior qualifies. Does anyone have any advice for how to handle this sort of situation?

"Seeing" each other a little over 1mth. when to talk about being exlusive? do i invite him to grad dinner?

we have been dating a lil over 1mth. he is 26,iam 22. he is reserved due to past girlfriend (2yrs ago).I'm gone during the wk so we spend 1 night during the weekend together. we have talked about all the gettin to know eachother topics like, family, , what we like about each other. he has met my parents everytime he has picked me up. we hold hands and kiss. since he is so reserved about sharing his feelings, do i mention us being exclusive? also i am graduating in 2 weeks, do i invite him to go out to dinner with my immediate family afterwards or is it too soon? Also he wont show me where he lives(lives with parents) and i have not met them yet either, is that wierd? i saw him at a bar 1 mth after we had been hanging out and didnt introduce me to his friends who were across the room, yet he was intoxicated is that a big deal? i asked him if his parents knew about me and he said he never tells his parents much, though i kno they r a close family.y slow moving, shuld i initiate more?

I'm a HUGE Colts fan, but I take my hat off to New England...what ya think?

Thanks for the kudos to the Patriots and their fans. We knew going in we were playing a powerful team and the early lead meant nothing to me cuz i knew Manning had so much talent. We wish you the best in the bowl, so go represent the AFC well and take it home.

Why do people still smoke,,when the box even says it is dangerous?

its easier said than done, its very hard to give up smoking because the cravings are almost constant for months when you go without. also i mean you may live longer but the years you lose are just full of peeing yourself and having someone wipe your *** anyway.

Can you answer a couple of questions about evolution?

ok this is in the wrong section - you know we do not have the answers to these. the difference is scientists do not make up things such as god just because we do not know the answer. all we know is that the univese is expanding - this has been proven and if it is expanding then it must have started at one point. beond that nobody knows. it could be god - it could be lots of alians doing a scientific experiment - or there could be billions of univeres popping in to existance (as in string theory).

Are you/ Have you been a member of the Audience Research Board for official television ratings?

We just received a postcard from the Audience Research Board asking us to become a member so they can measure our viewing activities for the official UK television ratings, apparently only a few thousand homes across the country are selected for the survey. There is apparently an incentive scheme whereby you earn points to exchange for items on a website, however I cant find anywhere how you go about earning the points, how many points you get, when you get them etc, does anybody else have any experience of this who could guide me?

How Painfull would this be?

Depends on where you get it. I have one on my lower back and that one really hurt! I could barley take it. I got 2 stars on my stomach (one on each side) and I barley felt those. so it really just depends on the spot.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Who should I take at picks #17 & #23 in a ten team fantasy football league? Should I take 2 WR's?

I am probably taking Forte or Turner at pick #4. This is a non-PPR league. I am not taking a QB or TE until later in the draft.

Triangle ABC is such that AB=5cm, AC=10cm and angle ABC = 90degrees?

To elaborate on Ted's answer, if you'd first worked the problem in degrees you would have gotten cos theta = 1/2 so theta = 60 degrees. Convert to radians by multiplying 60 * (pi/180) and your answer is pi/3, or (1/3) pi.

Does anyone remember this game?

It was a handheld quiz type game. It was about the size of a Sega Game Gear, and you had to buy the little cartridges and quiz book for new games.

What's a funny song we can sing in our school movie?

We need to sing one in our school movie. Kinda like Afternoon Delight in Anchorman and Starsky and Hutch?

Should I put my new husbands name on my homes?

I am a 48-year-old woman wiith four children and a grandchild. I own two homes and my fiancee, who will be selling his own home after we marry, has suggested I put his name on my homes. In return, he will pay an additional 75% of the monthly mortgage payments I already make. This way both houses should be paid off in five years. Are there any drawbacks to this idea? I have bad personal and business decisions in my life so I want to be sure.

I recently had a friend buy me the B Replica for RB2 on the 360?

to be honest i think its just rock band i have trouble with every instrument i use on it its better than ghwt but at least on that it dont miss notes

My Christianity feels fake, HELP?

Read very carefully 1st John 1:9 which was written to Christians. Then meditate on Psalm 119.Confess not only your sins but un ability to fight temptation of pet sins and be honest with God & ask Him to help you to remove the bad out of your life.Contact me when the devil hits you & we will pray him away.Christian Counseling may be in order."for all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

I need help to get infomation on a doctor who I knew back in my childhood, I need pics and bio info?

He was very helpful to me , at a bad time in my life. I have found a doctor who may be him, livin in England, but I want to know if there is anyway that I can get pics and his history, to see if he was living in Canada at the time, when I was sick. I am not very good at searching.

Halloween movies/shows?

i'm not looking for (just) scary movies, i'm looking for movies that are actually based around halloween! i have the actual movie Halloween, Hocus Pocus, Halloweentown (all of them) and a few kid friendly ones; Charlie Brown, Winnie the Pooh. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Cartoons and tv show suggestions are also welcome!

Is Tiger Woods domination of golf over?

I think he'll still be a good golfer & still win tournaments but has he come back to the pack or has the pack caught up with him?

How is the University of Oklahoma at Norman,OK like?

You will be bored to tears. I worked there for 25 years and heard the students from out-of-state complaining so many times. The ones from Texas would drive home every chance they got. The weather is different too, very cold in the winter, very hot in the summer and a lot of allergens in the spring and fall. Watch out for the university police, they like to ticket students (for no reason other than having a nice car) moving in and out and also when they come back after winter break, heard those stories too. There are laws against party-houses, you can get a citation for noise violations at a party just for being there. If you live in the dorms don't get caught with alcohol or weed, there are snitches all over the dorms and cameras are hidden in the hallways, elevator landings, lobbies and tv lounges in each building.

IAC winner arrested for eating a rat! Your view?

The whole thing is way over the top - animals are killed all the time for food and I can't see that the rat was any exception - it was for food. The whole camp ate it so why have Gino and Stuart been singled out. There are more important things in this world to worry about - the starving children in Ethiopia for a start. I am an animal lover and I don't condone some of the trials in IAC where they have used creatures and animals but this latest is plain ridiculous.

What picks do the Washington Redskins have in this year's draft?

i want to know how many picks we have. I know we don't have a 3rd or 4th, but do we have multiple picks in a later round? Like for example if we have three picks in round seven. And also, who/what position do you think we should get? I myself think that we should get OL (preferably Nate Solder, or Gabe Carimi), DL (preferably Ryan Kerrigan), or QB (preferably Cam Newton). You don't have to be a skins fan to answer, but what do you think?

Am I spoiling my daughter?

If you have read my questions or generous enough to answer them, you'd already know that I have a very close and special relationship with my two year old daughter, Amerie. We do everything together and we are inseperable (literally). She gets anything she wants, whether it be toys, stuffed animals you name it. I even took her to a furniture store so she could pick out her 'big girl bed' so she could 'move out' of her crib. She loves giraffes so on her birthday last saturday I bought her an oversized giraffe toy and I'm taking her to the zoo soon for her birthday. She loves Invader Zim and we watch it all the time even though some people claim it's too dark. I love my daughter. I have a hard time diciplining her but she's TWO. Am I really spoiling her or is everything fine?

Does tituba die in the crucible?

In act 4 of the crucible tituba and sarrah good are talking to herrick and tell him they are going to barbados but it's kinda vague whether they do or not. so does tituba go to barbados or does she die?

Uncontrollable anger when loseing at anything?

Its usually video game related but it can be more, i'd like to say its just competitive but its not, i can just be playing guitar hero and lose at a song and i get extreamly fustrated and either start screaming and cursing at the tv or if theres an unlucky person around who says something to me at the wrong time ill rip into them really rudely, i hate it and its really upseting not being able to controll it. Then my boyfriend gets mad at me and tells me i need to learn to lose but i get so angry i cry because i cant controll it. i think its just a game calm down its stupid to be upset but i still get worked up eventually ... i tried breaks i stop when i get angry but i still get angry... i dont know what to do i always fight with my boyfriend because of it...

9 year constantly getting into trouble for misbehaving.?

My 9 year old son is constantly getting into trouble at school. He is constantly talking and just doing little things in cl. He is an A & B student and is very intelligent, but he constantly talks. His teachers do a check mark system, whereas, everytime he gets 5 checks in one day, he gets a detention. I thought it was because maybe he is bored in cl, but because he has had so many detentions, he is not eligible for gifted cles or the gifted school. My question is can anyone give me some good advice on how to get him to stop the talking and getting into trouble. He has gone so far as to forge my name on his detention slip because he did not want me to find out. I am at my witts end with him. I have tried him and taking away his favorite things. My 6 year sees his brother getting into trouble so much, he is afraid to. By the way, I am divorced and my ex-husband does not have a very strong role in his life. Can you help me out??? PLEASE BECAUSE I AM LOSING IT.

Advice for starting a small business?

Im a 14 year old business owner and I've also helped 2 of my friends start businesses. I like your idea of making music videos and informational videos but Im not sure if that will make you good money. But if you are interested in starting a business leave your email and I can help you!

Don't you think those Satan worshippers are idiots?

Honestly, it's not my place to judge whether somebody is an idiot or not. I've met a few Satan worshipers. Some I got along with. Some I didn't. The ones I got along with, I really understood why they believed as they did. A lot of times as Christians, we can forget that for many people their life experiences form their beliefs.

Past life or paranormal experiences?

okay, im really fascinated by past lifes and the living dead and such. Does anyone have any interesting true stories about ghosts or past life visions/dreams? also has anyone tried past life regression and if so what was your experience like? and how much did it cost? tah much :))

Why my 12 weeks pitbull puppy does not eat ?

i already tried diff foods i tried raw chicken boil a lil and beef, i even put chicken broth in the dog food. I tried almost all the puppy foods, well he eats but not that much always eat a lil and start running around. i dont have that much time to sitting around to wait for him finish the food and i dont want to leave the food there because ants.....plz help

Since we fought a war about" taxation without representation"?

Since voters in FL and MI only get a partial vote, Would it be fair for them to pay only partial taxes?

What is wrong with this picture(famine/war)?

the world has a failed rice crop. 1/4 of the corn produced is used for biofuel. taking away acreage to grow other food, so we can tool around saying look at me i'm helping the enviroment, and a war for oil costing 100's of billions of dollars. why are we so stupid?

How does a girl know if her guy friends consider her a "Bro"?

One of my guy friends has started giving me bro hugs instead of normal ones and earlier his little brother mentioned I can only use the Napoleon Dynamite handshake if I'm cool enough to be a bro/am I bro and have seen the movie.

Does anyone else think that ity is unnatural?

I'm sorry that I'm going to offend people, but I just have to get this out there. Please do not penalize me for expressing my opinion. I just don't undestand uality. Humans are the only creatures that practice it! It just seems like s aren't acting on their natural instincts, but rather an emotional decesition. I don't have problems with emotional decisions, but that doesn't make you any different than everyone else in the world, it just makes you a person who wasn't getting enough attention as a straight person so they tried out being ual, and they got what they wanted, constant attention

What do you think of Glenn Beck saying "the policies that are being enacted in Washington are enemies of God"?

a href="http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201007190012" rel="nofollow"http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/20100719001…/a

I plan to feed. (please read)?

Ok I am going on a 12 week maternity leave (currently 37 weeks pregnant) and my job needs me to go to a training cl in Minneapolis (Id have to fly and stay a day or two, possibly more.) This cl is needed every year and happens to fall on the time of my leave, but I have agreed to go. Its about 7 weeks after my daughters due date. I plan on feeding, what can I do in the days I am gone to feed my daughter? Should I freeze my milk and have my fiance give it to her when I am gone. What is the proper way to thaw out frozen milk? Sit on the counter, put the bottle in a pan of water and boil?

HELP - can i complain about the smell thats invading my home from my next door neighbours?

In California, you can call the local county offices and they will send someone out to inspect. Also, you can take legal measures as any noise, (not sound, real noise) and/or smell and or activity that crosses into your property is legitimate grounds to file a complaint. Start with downloading the appropriate form at your county offices, then go to police and housing authority. It will get checked out and if it is the building or tenant, you and the building can take action from there.

History of Winnie the Pooh.?

What in the heck are you talking about? Winnie the Pooh and the characters are based on stuffed animals that A.A Milne's son actually had. For a while they were on display at the New York Public Library.

I think i could be depressed any advice?

I find lately im very down the dumps, im 28 and recently started living with my boyfriend, now i tought oh id be complete when i was with him all time but somehow im not, anyway thats not a issue, i find lately everyday things are a task all i dont have to do a lot as my boyfriend does all my washing and dinners ect, all i need to do is make my lunch adn go to gym yet it feels like such a task, im trying to loose weight aswell at the moment as i was addicted to food and i get down at how i cant just pig out, now i know i have no reason at all to be depressed a im very lucky in what i have in my life, but i do worry a lot about things espically the fact i dont have any close friends to go out with and thats why i eat sometimes, its getting to the point that personal hygine is getting to much of a effort, i tryed counselling 2 years ago but it didnt help, im thy type that needs a boyfriend in my life as friends have always been few

I'm going to be in a Miss. Romania pageant?!?!?

And I'm getting cold feet! I know I can do it because I made it through the pre judging. Now I'm nervous! I know pageantry is a big thing hear in the USA. But now that I am on spring break I went back home for the summer. Women in Romania see pageantry as a way to show how intelligent and beautiful we are. In a sense its somewhat empowering. Is it the same in the USA?

Randomly hates me, how to get in someones good books again?

Well I do first aid and I'm 14 years old, I'm a bright, bubbly outgoing girl, maybe a little outspoken, anyway -- one of the adults at my division doesn't seem to like me at all. How can I make her changer her opinion of me? Do I act quiet and kind or maybe just watch what I say? I can't recall anything I have done, and she likes all the other cadets except me, she doesn't add me on Facebook but she adds all the other kids in my division! Thanks.

What learning disorder is most ociated with the inability to form sentences, have poor comprehension?

The suffer knows what to say and is very knowledgeable, but has a very difficault time writing thier thoughts on paper, has trouble writing essays, letters. And can't even explain things to people because they can't think of how to say it, and put words in the wrong order.

Do I have Asperger's Syndrome/some mental illness?

I don't think you have Asperger's or any other form of mental illness.You just don't like being around people too much - nothing wrong with that.I hate being around people,and i'm not mentally ill.i just prefer my own company and the few friends i do have are very special to me but it took a long time to let them in.Don't worry about it,there's nothing wrong :)

How did the advent of internet has changed the face of politics?

My lecturer had been talking about it quite a while but I still cannot see how does internet plays such a role. Anyone?

Why do liberals accuse Republicans of being racists?

You are a racist anytime you disagree with a Liberal. You can be a black American and not agree with Obama's policies, and be called an Uncle Tom by the left.

Is it a curse or a case of "what comes around goes around"?

Yes I believe it is just that. A curse is repeaing what you sow. God put that principle into motion.

Where can i get some of these pictures for my science project?

im doing a science project for the digestive system. i need a picture of the epiglottis, esophagus, pharynx, stomach, sphincter, pancreas, liver and gall bladder, small intestine , villi, large intestine, and the rectum. i know your thinking im stupid but i already looked on google images of course. but all those images always show the whole digestive system and all its parts. i need a zoomed in, closer image of the organ. like so i can explain what its job is. and so people can easily see what THAT oragn looks like caz im doing like the journey of a sandwhich kinda thing. each page is gona be about each part that food goes through. please help me

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why does the government persecute Christians?

By not allowing them to force non-Xtian children to pray to the Xtian God every day at school? Why do people stand for this persecution?

She's too busy or avoiding me?

Sounds like she is busy and not ready for a relationship. You should keep in touch and be a friend to her from a distance but you need to move on. Down the road you never know maybe you guys could get back together but right now just be a friend and don't get mad when she can't talk. You need to move on because the true love of your live might be around the corner.

What is the best way to "resurrect" a rapidly failing, teeny tiny, mom & pop bar?

in a small town. It has it's small group of regulars...but with the economy...it's not around for too much longer. Any ideas? It's VERY small in and out. No room to expand. English Pub theme.

Are there any discount or charter airlines that fly from Cincinnati to Las Vegas?

I used to live in the midwest, Minneapolis and Fargo. ALways could find cheap tickets to Vegas. Having problem finding any discount or bargain airfare. Any help would be great!!!

A book about Epilepsy?

I'm doing a project on genaric vs. brand-name drugs concerning epileptic patients and I have to read a book that has to do with my topic, does anyone know any autobiographies or some non-fiction about someone living with Epilepsy?

Do I need to see someone?

I am pissed off most of the time I always want to fight. I have other personal reasons to be pissed if you email me Ill tell you but my Grandma says i should walk away if someone hits me I think this society is bullshit Im failing in school and I think that therapists are just a bunch of ******* freeloaders getting money for taking notes on my attitude and find a pill that is overpriced and doesn't do **** Im actually pretty smart also I think I may be a schizo and I am told that im just a psycho but I was thinking taking BJJ cles may get rid of the aggresion and I might have ADHD because i can't concentrate but I want opinons exept if your coming on just to be an aa get the **** out.

What's wrong with my leg? 10 points.?

I was sled riding today. I had a sled tied to the back of a four wheeler and my friend and I was riding the sled. We hit a bump and we both flew off the sled and she landed on my leg, which was kind of turned back behind me. My leg hurt really bad at first and I couldn't stand up. Then I stood up but it kind of hurt to walk on it. Now it doesn't really hurt when I stand straight up, but it hurts when I bend down on my leg. The pain is in my lower leg and it's kind of bruised and hurts when I touch it. I just noticed that I have a small bump where the bone is. Does anyone know what could be wrong? I don't think it would be broken for the simple fact that I can stand on it. Could it possibly be a hairline fracture?

Why does the BCS media continue to baby Mack Brown and Texas?

The past few weeks you have seen Texas banners over stadiums not letting people forget their victory over Oklahoma, even Missouri in the Big 12 championship...talk about clless. We get the picture, but let's review. Texas beats Oklahoma on neutral field 45-35. Texas Tech beats Texas 39-33, then Oklahoma cans Texas Tech 65-21. Everyone keeps saying that Texas should have played because of the "head to head." That's fine if you sc off Tech, the team who beat them. In the three way tie, which the BCS decides the winner by the highest ranking, which Oklahoma won, and allows for more competition. Everyone keeps wanting to tie SEC rules to Big 12 rules to support their claim. So Mack Brown continues politicking and wins sympathy votes the final weekend, when OU was firmly ahead after the Tech victory. Besides the BCS system sucks, and Texas would consider OU bitter if they were in their position, how can you really make a case that Texas got screwed out of the championship, when the rules say they lost fair and square?

Painting Shingles White?

Koolseal says not to use their product on asphalt shingles. We got older black shingles, like normal its HOT. How can I make them white? Paint? Any ideas welcome but prefer simple and cheap. Mist system? Is there a glue for shingles?

Non-Hip-Hop: what the f*ck is a brad k?

I must have insulted in the past... I'm flattered you let some words posted on the Internet by a guy you never met hurt you.

Who sponsors the nationality rooms at the cathedral of learning in pittsburgh, PA?

I'd contact the UCIS at Pitt. They are the department in charge of International Studies. I'm pretty sure they run the tours and what not. If you're in the city, I would suggest going on a tour and the guides are very knowledgable and probably could tell you or find out for you. Good luck.

If Charlie Sheen was living in Iran how many scars from whips would he have by now?

Their Shariah law - if you get drunk would get you about 4 to 5 whips on the back. Charlie Sheen probably gets drunk everyday so wouldn't he have thousands of whoppings?

Bible: Can women penalized on ground of female child birth. Are all dames dirty?

lots of religions and cultures think women are dirty and below men...not just the bible. that how it was in the past...100% man power and the woman was a mans slave/property. even lots of primitve tibal people wont touch a woman who is on her period because its "dirty", shows how much the past knows.

What do you do when your dog eats all of his treats?

keep an eye on him, I wouldnt feed him and if he wants out put him out so he doesnt crap in the house could be messy depending on the treats.

I want a male contraceptive besides condoms or vasectomy, what options do I have

Hell i get the same problem sometimes, petrified about her getting pregnant so at least thats normal from what i can tell. Is it feasible for her to get the pill or the patch?

How to make my skin whiter?

I am a Malay,and you can often see malays have light chocolate(think of dark caramel)skin.But despite that,I have a light caramel skin because I don't often go outside.My friends titled me as 'putri lilin' also known in english as,Princess of Candle.Means a person that can't stand under the hot sun.I have been like that ever since I was little but as I grown up,(btw:im 14 years old)I feel like I really have the urge to go out and play badminton under the hot sun because I suddenly find interest in badminton when I tried playing badminton for the first time during PE.What worries me is that when after I got back home from school,I look myself infront of the mirror and saw that my skin is getting darker.I dont like my skin to be dark.So..help???How to make my skin whiter so that I won't have to worry if I play alot outside? :)

Is it true that they are skeptical about releasing a cure for cancer because of the economic drawbacks?

someone told me that too many people would lose their jobs and it would lead to another economic downfall. is that true? some people even say that a cure for cancer has already been discovered but it is not available to the general public just yet

Why are guys hitting on me all of a sudden?

You are getting noticed by boys a little late that is all. You may be looking more appealing to men now. Don't bother and a guy will come to u asking for your hand soon. Till then keep ur character well as u were doing so far. U will have a good life I believe.

Express bus timings from koyambedu to gummudipundi in morng and evening and whether it stops at anna nagar wes?

There are fair number of buses running between gummidipoondi and koyambedu. Many express buses bound to andhrapradesh will also stop at gummidipoondi. Metropolitan bus is having a stop at anna nagar. The timings may be available at bus terminus.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My bf is killed in an accident and I lost contact with his family. How to find out where he is buried?

I had an internet based relationship for over a year. After my bf was missing for 4 months, I received a message from his email account written by his sister saying that my bf is killed in an accident. She subsequently closed that email account so I couldn't find out where is he buried. I want to see him one last time and tell him how much he means to me. how can I get contact with his family again and find out his cemetery?

Burning Out in RWD, Safely....?

How do I burnout in a RWD car? If I pull the handbrake and floor it, wouldn't the handbrake lock the back tires? In our jaguar, I was able to burn out by turning traction control off and flooring it while having my wheel turned to start. Any other way so that I don't move?

Abortion is protected by the Constution? When did THAT happen???

Just because a few Liberal judges managed to byp the Legislative process doesn't mean that abortion is Constitutional. Let's try to stay honest while we're fighting this out.

My period is 4 days late, what should I do?

I normally get my cycle every 30-31 days and everything has been on clockwork, until February. The last time I had a period was February 8th. I have been having period symptoms but nothing has happened. There is a possibility that I could be pregnant bc I did have unprotected . I am just wondering what should I do. I went to the doctor to get on bc and i did a urine test, but i left the clinic before they could perform my pap smear etc. bc i went to this clinic at 1 and was still in the waiting room at 6. I am uming if i were pregnant they would have called and told me something. I also took a pregnancy test but accidentally put the urine in the wron and it took a while for the results to show up but it was a negative. I think my cycle is off bc there were only 28 days in Feb. What do u guys think?

Is it possible for a person to be like a robot as much as possible?

...but not PSYCHOPATH OR SOCIOPATH. This is in the best sense of a person engaged in knowledge gathering and thought processing for the purpose of being engaged in worthwhile and fulfilling pursuits of knowledge. I am posing this question in philosophy in hopes someone may understand what I mean instead of judging and saying, "oh...psychopath/sociopaths". That is not the point of this question. It is asking, given good morality and ethics and all that, is it possible for a person to forgo many personal emotional endeavors such as voluntarity choosing love (besides family) and wasting a lot of time.

Is she really? (B&B Donna)?

Lol her face look 37+ am not surprise But lol her mind&her voice still a teenager.But thx 4 sharing good to laugh @ her age&mind.I hope her mind is not like tha in real life?

Are you tax dollars being wasted on the NFL?

This is definitely a great example of wasting tax payer money...but it isn't the first time and it won't be the last time our taxes are going to fund something stupid...that said I hope one of Specter's handlers will lend him some common sense and have him drop the issue and stop him from looking like a complete moron which is how he is coming off.

Why in Harry Potter 7 does Voldemort not realize Narcissa is lying?

When Voldemort asks Narcissa to check that Harry is dead she pretends that he is. Why couldn't Voldemort use his Leglimens power to know she's lying?

Should TNT Fire Barkley and Hire ?

Shaquille "Shaq/The Diesel/Shaq Fu/The Big Daddy/Superman/The Big Cactus/Shaqtus/The Big Galactus/The Real Deal/The Big Shamrock/The Big Leprechaun/Shaqovic" O'neal ?

Who's better, Dominique Wilkins or Kevin Durant?

This is a good one. 2 great athletes that in many ways have a similar game. I think Durant is bigger and has a better shot. Wilkins was more explosive. I think that even though he is still a baby I am going to say that Durant has a better game and will be the better player.

How would it look for a non white to sport a confederate flag?

As a fashionable item. Like on a t-shirt. Jacket or whatever. Perphaps they like southern culture. They like cowboys, and the country.

What does indecisive mean?

When someone is indecisive, he has a hard time making a decision quickly and effectively. You could also say test results are indecisive, meaning they don't point to any clear conclusion.

Hi there need some recommendations of good reading books?

The book Life is so Good was incredibly uplifting. Its the autobiography of a man named George Dawson who learns to read at the age of 98. He had a great journey and it was so inspiring when he learned to do the thing that all of us take for granted. I seriously recommend it.

Why is Australia so much better at this than the US?

I agree that we should be checking into this and finding out how the mistakes happened so they could not happen again and also free anyone jailed by mistake instantly.

Non-visa requirements for Eastern Europe to the USA?

if you can't truck this information online then it's not true.....did you check the Home office website???

Bodysuit made from neoprene, for working out, where can I obtain one?

I want it to cover everything but my area. Like a jumpsuit! Theoretically it will make me loose weight in the right places by making me sweat.

Need book suggestions for my 9 yr old girl who does not enjoy reading?

My daughter is in 4th grade and I'm concerned about her lack of interest in reading. She will only read if she has to and has no interest in books otherwise. I was wondering if you can suggest an exciting book that may grab her interest and get her excited about reading. She likes science and will look at non fiction books or magazines once in a while but will read the minimum. Many of her clmates are reading huge novels like Harry Potter but she has no interest in that. What are the fun good books for her age group that she might actually enjoy reading? I'm not a big fan of the twilight series or anything to do with girl cliques or mean girls. I prefer something positive and empowering but entertaining enough to hold her interest. Looking forward to your suggestions.